Cost optimization using Azure Migrate
The higher energy cost and the resulting increase in the cost of doing business have led to a tighter economic outlook for most businesses around the world. This, in turn, is a major contributing factor to customers becoming more cost-conscious, leading to an increased need for optimization features in products and services. Azure Migrate’s comprehensive suite includes many features to optimize cost, while catering to your performance needs to meet service level agreements (SLAs). Agentless discovery and mapping of your entire on-premises IT estate, software inventory analysis for assessment and planning, and right-sized migration using a single portal to start, run, and track your projects, are a few cost-effective features that also contribute to ease of use. Once in Azure, the path towards greater optimization and cost savings continues through modernization to platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS).
Customer requirements and benefits
The customer must stay competitive, both on the technical and business fronts, to ensure continued success. Technical competency requires an agile and innovative IT platform with data analytics to provide insights that can help differentiate from the competition. It would be ideal if such an innovative platform were available at a competitive cost. Incidentally, modernizing existing IT infrastructure, applications, and data-to-PaaS/SaaS models in the cloud delivers on all these requirements, leading to a higher return on investment (ROI) for the customer.
The higher efficiency and lower cost due to the adoption of modern cloud-native architectures also lead to greater levels of flexibility and reduced vendor lock-in. Thus, setting the stage for the customer to realize greater value as they progress from IaaS to PaaS and onto SaaS models. Please download our analyst report for details on options and value due to application modernization in Azure.
Microsoft’s focus on cost optimization
During Microsoft Ignite, we are highlighting our continued commitment to cost optimization through support for SQL Server assessments, prior to migration and modernization using Azure Migrate. Customers can now perform unified, at-scale, agentless discovery and assessment of SQL Servers on Microsoft Hyper-V, bare-metal servers, and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) of other public clouds, such as AWS EC2, in addition to VMware environments. The capability will allow customers to analyze existing configurations, performance, and feature compatibility to help with right-sizing and estimating cost. It will also check on readiness and blockers for migrating to Azure SQL Managed instance, SQL Server on Azure virtual machine, and Azure SQL Database. All this information can also be presented in a single coherent report for easy consumption while reducing cost for customers.
Source: Cost optimization using Azure Migrate | Microsoft
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