
Backup-as-a-Service: Why Do You Need It for Your Business

29 Feb 2024

Backup-as-a-Service: Why Do You Need It For Your Biz



In the fast-paced digital era, data holds immense importance for businesses. It serves as the foundation for crucial customer information, as well as valuable intellectual property, enabling organizations to operate smoothly and make informed decisions. However, the potential for data loss or corruption is a constant concern. Hardware failures, human errors, cyberattacks, or natural disasters can all pose significant risks. To safeguard against these risks, businesses are recognizing the value of Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) solutions. By adopting BaaS, organizations can proactively protect their data and ensure business continuity, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why your business needs a BaaS solution to ensure the safety, accessibility, and recoverability of your valuable data.


What is Backup-as-a-Service?

Backup as a Service (BaaS) is a convenient and secure solution offered by a trusted managed service provider. With BaaS, your valuable data is stored in a highly secure hybrid cloud or off-site cloud repository, ensuring protection against unauthorized access, corruption, hacking, or theft. This service allows you to back up various types of data, including files, images, application workloads, and data sets.


How does Backup as a Service work?

Instead of keeping your data on-site, Backup as a Service (BaaS) provides a secure solution by encrypting and safeguarding your applications and data in a hybrid cloud environment. This cloud infrastructure is managed by a trusted managed service provider, ensuring that your data remains protected and immutable. While your business retains access to the backed-up data, all the management and maintenance tasks are taken care of by the third-party provider. You have the flexibility to back up your data as per your needs or schedule regular backups for added convenience. With BaaS, you can have peace of mind knowing that your data is in safe hands and easily accessible whenever you need it.


Why do you need BaaS from a trustworthy managed service provider?

Backup-as-a-service (BaaS) is definitely helpful to businesses which encounters the following concerns:

1.      Limited in-house IT resources and talents in cybersecurity field

2.      Rising data security concerns

3.      Demanding on scalable and flexible backup options


Limited in-house IT resources and talents

According to the statistics from the HKSAR in 2022, the IT industry comprises less than 3% of the total labor force. Even within the IT sector, only a mere 1.4% of professionals specialize in the field of IT security. This shortage of IT talents with cybersecurity expertise poses a significant challenge for businesses looking to effectively protect their data from evolving cyber threats.


Fig.1.1 The percentage share of IT employees (including freelancers) in the labor force.


Fig.1.2 IT Employees by Job Category (Year 2022)


Furthermore, it is worth noting that a majority of businesses allocate less than 20% of their total revenue towards IT-related aspects. This limited budget makes it even more challenging for businesses to allocate additional resources and funds towards developing a comprehensive in-house backup solution.


Fig.1.3 IT spending as a share of company revenue in 2022 and 2023, by industry


By choosing Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS), businesses can take advantage of the knowledge and resources offered by external providers without the need for substantial initial investments. BaaS provides a cost-effective alternative that enables businesses to guarantee the safety and security of their data. With BaaS, businesses can benefit from a comprehensive and hassle-free backup solution, ensuring their valuable data is protected, all while staying within their limited IT budget.


Rising Data Security Concerns

Phishing attacks account for a staggering 31% [1] of all cyberattacks. Hackers have become increasingly sophisticated, employing social engineering tactics [2] to target users and circumvent email security gateways. Additionally, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has further exacerbated the complexity of phishing attacks. By 2023, AI-generated content can mimic the style and tone of a known contact, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between legitimate and malicious communication [3]. These put businesses at greater risk of falling victim to cyberthreats, making it crucial to prioritize cybersecurity measures on recognizing and mitigating these threats.

Thus, Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) serves as a proactive measure for businesses in their fight against cyber threats. BaaS providers are experts in data security, and they have extensive measures in place to protect your data from unauthorized access, corruption, or loss. By utilizing BaaS, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their data is safeguarded by top-notch security protocols and practices. These providers prioritize the implementation of industry-leading security measures to ensure the highest level of protection for your valuable data.

With BaaS, businesses can rest assured that their data is in safe hands and protected by the best security practices available. It also allows businesses to mitigate the potential impact of cyber threats, minimizing downtime, and protecting their valuable data assets.


Demanding on scalable and flexible backup options

As businesses expand and their data needs evolve, managing backups can indeed become quite challenging. In fact, statistics indicate that almost 50% of respondents identify data storage costs as a major obstacle in this regard. The cost of storing and managing large volumes of data can strain businesses, particularly when seeking reliable and secure backup solutions.

This is where Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) can prove highly advantageous. BaaS providers offer cost-effective solutions that alleviate the burden of data storage costs. By leveraging BaaS, businesses can entrust the responsibility of data storage to external providers who efficiently manage and secure their backups at a fraction of the cost. This enables businesses to concentrate on their core operations and strategic initiatives, free from the concerns of expensive data storage challenges.

Additionally, BaaS providers can seamlessly adapt to changing needs, whether it involves backing up additional data or adjusting backup frequency. This scalability and flexibility empower businesses to efficiently manage their backup resources, ensuring the protection and accessibility of their data as they progress and evolve. With BaaS, businesses can confidently navigate their evolving data requirements without hassle.


Why SuperVault

SuperVault is a professional, reliable, and secure BaaS solution that minimizes the risk and impact of cyberattacks on your business, protecting your core assets and business continuity from the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.



·       Tailor the perfect backup solution for your business

·       Provide flexible backup solutions to meet the diverse needs of business.

·       Quick deployment and data recovery

·       Provide backup reports to help businesses have a clear understanding of their data backup status.



·       Provide businesses with customized and all-rounded backup solutions

·       Onsite backup centers

·       Implement of the 3-2-1 principle

·       Meets various data security and regulatory requirements



·       Encrypt your backup data with enterprise-controlled encryption key

·       Offer private cloud data backup solutions tailored to your business needs



·       Implement a comprehensive range of security measures to safeguard your business from cyberattacks at every stage

o   Preventive Measures

o   Remedial Measures

o   Regular Routines



·       Microsoft 365 (M365) Backup

·       Endpoint Backup

·       Servers Backup


Contact our Cloud Account Manager today to find the best BaaS solution for your business and provide extra protection for your data!